Love our environment

Love our environment

We love our environment and it’s time we all do a little more to help mother nature.

Blessed with a sun burnt country that has some of the richest soils the world has seen, Park Landy is proudly Australian. We endeavor to protect the land that we are so fortunate to call home by using recycled materials within our packaging and production, to ensure we put minimal waste back into the environment.

Our quality ingredients are bio-degradable and none of our products contain hazardous chemicals allowing our customers to safely dispose of them without causing harm. We work as a company to find ways that we can minimize waste in our production but also in our daily lives.

Park Landy has a big picture vision and we want our loyal customers to be apart of it. We want to educate our local communities and the next generation of the simple changes they too can make to positively impact the environment.

Signup to our mailing list below to join the cause and start making a difference. If we all do one small thing every day it will cause a big change.