Tea tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) 10ml

Tea tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) 10ml

Park Landy

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Experience better life with Park Landy’s pure and unadulterated Tea tree oil or commonly known as melaleuca alternifolia.  Tea tree oil is an essential part of an aromatherapist oil collection.  Its main constituent - terpine-o-el is an amazing compound that performs antibacterial and purifying abilities.  Its unchallenged cleaning properties is suitable for face cleansing, infected pimples, skin infections to cuts and purifying surfaces and air.       

EXTRACTION METHOD:  Steam distillation

SCENT:  herbaceous, slight minty, slight earthy.


  • Use 1 drop on a cotton bud to dab onto infected pimple and affected area and leave overnight to reduce infection. 
  • Combine 1-2 drops with facial cleanser for a deep cleanse of pores to prevent blockage and developments of blackheads. 
  • Add 1-2 drops to a cotton bud and apply to skin cuts or skin infections for deep cleanse and prevent further infections.
  • Add 1-2 drops to a diffuser to purify air in your surroundings.  A simple and convenient way to freshen air when travelling and staying in hotel rooms. 

CAUTION:  Avoid contact with eyes.  Use recommended dosage only.  To avoid skin irritation or sensitivity, trial on small patch of skin. 

MAIN CONSTITUENT:  Terpinen-4-ol, y-terpinene, a-terpinene.